Our Team

Awarded “Social Entrepreneur Of The Decade” by the International Association Of Top Professionals (IAOTP)
Steve Mariotti
Chairman, CFI

Steve Mariotti has led teams that raised $350 million including a $13 million endowment The global charity he founded in a classroom 1987 while teaching in the South Bronx. NFTE’s programs have been replicated in 31 countries and have graduated over a million students since 1987.

He co-Created the Nolan Chart with Carl Ogelsby in 1967.

Mr. Mariotti’s paper, “A statistical analysis of the voting on Michigan tax and Expenditure Amendment” ( Public Choice 1980) is viewed as the first of its kind. Mr. Mariotti studied with the Nobel Prize winner of Economics in 1977 F.A. Hayek at the Institute for Humane Studies and is credited with doing the first Statistical Test on the Malinvestment Theory of the Trade Cycle in 1977.

Victor De La Cruz
Ivannia de Alba
Chairman, Board of Overseers
Cody Chang
Board of Advisors