Our Mission is

to help organizations achieve their missions by offering learning opportunities

to stimulate development and cultivate sustainability

Nonprofits Essentials

• Establish a Nonprofit Organization

• Assemble a Board Of Directors

• Build a Development Team For a Nonprofit



Per Organization

2 students per organization



Per Student

2 students per organization

3-day Seminar

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Morning Break

11:15 AM - 12:45 PM


1:45 PM - 3:00 PM

Afternoon Break

3:15 PM - 4:30PM

One hour meeting after dinner

follow up program

Online Weekly Sessions

Time and Date determined weekly by the group

25+ hours of learning how to effectively strengthen all aspects of managing nonprofit organizations with a focus on fundraising

Interactive sessions, with experienced fundraiser, philanthropist and nonprofit leader on how to overcome the challenges facing nonprofits today

Each topic includes a Q&A with a veteran nonprofit leader and a subject matter expert and recommended group work

Share insights
Network with mentors

Development of engaging final projects where participants present their fundraising plans to the leaders and supporters of their nonprofits

Experiential Learning

Socratic Method


Team Work

Open Discussions


Guest Speakers

Stress Free Environment





learn more in our in-depth program

"Nonprofits Development & Sustainability"

for social enterprises and nonprofit executives

Raise money, attract talent and develop your organization. Define your vision, mission, positioning, strategy, tactics.

Understand the methodologies used to develop the essential skills to find the potential funders for your organization.

Gain proficiency with the techniques to form long term relationships with your supporters that are mutually beneficial.

Establish what are the vision and the mission of the organization for the world

Determine what would be the top values of the organization

Establish the number one appeal your organization has for philanthropists

Know how to Identify Top Philanthropists whom are interested in your mission

Identify and attend social events for wealthy individuals that share your organization believes

Assess, develop, and maintain strong relationships with donors that would be open to fund your organization on a regular basis

Research in the charity world

Understand the role of an Advisory Board and build a suited one for your organization

Become literate with the economics of the unit of change and productively use it to run your organization

How to efficiently use Moves Management to improve fundraising

Comprehend the importance of an Endowment and how to develop an endowment campaign

How to Attract Corporate Funding

Social Enterprise Management

Build a Board for your Nonprofit Organization

Know what would be the strategic goals for the organization in areas such as: marketing, finance, number of subscribers, positive media

Development of Strategic Plan to Improve Fundraising Efforts

Be familiar with the Philanthropy RoundTable

Develop the tactics to achieve the strategic goals and more